Monday, August 20, 2012

Inspiration, surprise, and seeds of change in New Orleans

Today's guest blogger is Darcy Whitney from Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. Darcy was an adult chaperone with Chautauqua Area Lutheran Youth in New Orleans this July. 

The whole time at the 2012 ELCA Youth Gathering was inspiring! Emily, my daughter, pointed out that the group was so large at the Superdome that we we worshipping with the population of Jamestown! The speakers were awesome. Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber and Shane Claiborne were fascinating in their honesty and ability to captivate the audience. I loved, loved, loved listening to them. They made you want to go out and help somebody. Nadia and Pastor Andrena Ingram let you know that it's OK to have a past and not be ashamed of it.

The enthusiasm of the gathering participants was surprising.  None of them were afraid to clap along with the music (and there was some GREAT music) or raise their hands in praise. Honestly I think if we did that in our church we would get some strange looks that would make us stop. I guess I didn't know Lutherans could be so open and happy about their faith!

The kids were a constant source of inspiration. Their enthusiasm was contagious! They were ready to get down and dirty and do whatever it took to help someone. The last evening in New Orleans Tara and Emily had half their dinner left over. The waitress asked if they wanted a box for the leftovers. We had seen homeless every night as we walked to our hotel sleeping in doorways and on benches and sitting on Bourbon Street in front of our hotel. Tara and Emily approached two homeless men asked them if they wanted dinner. They were happy to say yes! That was a great moment.

I hope I have come back changed for the better and that I can be more open about my faith. They told us to go out and do things like "love like Jesus" and "be the change you want to see" and be a "disciple of Christ." I really hope I can do that. It's easy to be inspired and enthusiastic while you're there; the challenge will be to keep it up back home. We want to keep meeting as a CALY group and I believe that will help. The group really bonded by the last day and I don't want to lose that. All, in all it was a wonderful time. I am so glad I get to be a part of it! The kids all want to go to the Detroit 2015 gathering and I hope I can go with them!

Darcy mentioned some speakers she found particularly inspiring. These have been recorded and posted on YouTube.
Check out Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber here.
Check out Shane Claiborne here.
Check out Rev. Andrena Ingram here.

Chautauqua Area Lutheran Youth gratefully acknowledges the support of the Karl Peterson Funds & Lynn Foundation Fund of the Chautauqua Region Community Foundation in making this project a reality.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Darcy! You are an inspiration. Thank you for being so willing to give your gifts on this trip and everyday!
