Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Sign up now for Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Training

Southwestern Conference Youth Ministries is partnering with the Child Advocacy Program to bring Stewards of Children: Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Training to our conference on Saturday, December 1 from 9 am - noon at First Lutheran Church, 120 Chandler St. in Jamestown.

Do you know how to recognize the signs of sexual abuse? How about your volunteers that work with children and young people? Are you confident that your church would react promptly and responsibly? This is a resource that can help your congregation increase its awareness of a devastating issue and put organizational policies and procedures in place that protect and serve children.

This evidence-based training is appropriate for pastors, youth workers, Sunday School teachers, nursery workers, "Cherish Our Children" committee members, and other caring adults. The cost of the training is $10 per person and includes a workbook for each participant. The Conference Youth Ministries Team will spring for refreshments.

You can mail or fax your registration--please note that the deadline for registration is November 16--to ensure that workbooks arrive in time. I have attached a flyer with further information about this event. Please get this on your December calendars and plan on having key leadership from your church in attendance.

Here is how you can help our team get the word out in your congregation:
  • Forward this page on to key leadership in your congregation today--people that work directly with young people as well as people who could make policy changes if necessary.
  • Put this on the agenda of your next Christian Ed. meeting
  • Make a short announcement in Worship this Sunday. Have registration forms handy for those interested in taking the training. 

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