Southwestern Conference Youth Ministries Team Meeting
August 4, 2012 9 am
First Lutheran Church
Meeting minutes
Present: Ian Eastman (SW Conference), Tara Eastman (First Lutheran) Mike Felsman (Tri-Church), Ann McKillip (St. Tim's) & Jennifer Spacht (Bethel).
Regrets: Sue Kilmartin (Bethel), Judy Lind (Immanuel).
The team opened with prayer and devotions. We discussed 2 Timothy 1:2-7, a letter of encouragement from Paul to Timothy.
Schedule for 2012/2013...
Youth events:
October 14 or 21 (TBD) 3pm - 6pm
Pool Party at JCC Total Fitness Center
Waiting on confirmation from Total Fitness staff--JCC sports teams get first pick on facility.
November 17
Captive Free Team - Children's event?
We have the Captive Free team on Saturday afternoon & evening. Perhaps use a church, YMCA, or Mall Bounce House?
November 18 1 pm - 4 pm
Whoopensocker @ Gateway Center
Lasertag, BMX/Skateboarding, Rec. Room, and snack bar for the first two hours. Captive Free will lead worship from 3 pm - 4 pm. Youth will do personal care item drive for team.
The Captive Free Team will require housing and meals from Saturday night through Tuesday morning. Exploring all avenues to host team together or separately in homes. Sue Kilmartin looking for museum passes, movie, ice arena, local restaurant passes for the team.
February 17 1 pm - 4 pm
Toilet Bowl 2 @ Gateway Center
Lasertag, BMX/Skateboarding, Rec. Room, and snack bar for the first two hours, worship from 3 pm - 4 pm. Youth will do paper product drive for local charity.
July 7 - July 12
Mission on the Mon in McKeesport PA.
Very hands on mission trip. Jeannine Gambrel from Gloria Dei took 6 youth and had a very positive experience. Looking for group of 16 youth and 4 chaperone/drivers across conference. Could pull this off for approximately $3,000 total. Deadline April 1. Will set up covenant, expenses, goals, and team expectations. Will float the idea to churches and gauge interest. Jennifer suggested a "300 Club" fundraiser.
It was brought to the team's attention that there are several schedule conflicts with Combined Conformation. Ian will work with pastors to hopefully resolve some of these issues.
Adult events
September 15 @ 1:45 pm & 3 pm
Women of the ELCA Convo @ Chautauqua Suites
Workshop: "A Field Guide to Young People"
October 26 & 27
Youth Worker Retreat @ LCLC
Also, training in the "Vibrant Faith" approach and book discussions on how to talk and pray with your child will be held for parents and other caring adults during Combined Confirmation in Jamestown area.
Other business
Bethel (Jamestown) and St. Tim's both take groups annually to Youth Quake. Is the conference interested in making this an event for all churches? The next Youth Quake is January 25 - 27.
Going back to Paul's letter to Timothy, we discussed ways to affirm youth. These things also serve to help youth verbalize their faith in God.
- We used Paul's letter to Timothy as a template for a letter of our own. Text, email, postcards can mean a lot.
- Regular devotional times in the family... Sharing highs and lows of the day, "rose, thorn, buds," observing candle time...
- Share gifts face to face when you observe them... Describe them to other adults... and take time during special occasions to say a few words.
Upcoming meetings...
Sept.: 9/8/12 (Please note this is moved to the second Saturday to avoid the Labor Day weekend.)
Oct: 10/6/12
Nov: 11/3/12
Dec: 12/1/12
Meetings are at 9 am at First Lutheran Church, 120 Chandler St., Jamestown.
(Note: The Southwestern Conference Youth Ministries Team is open to young people in grades 9 - 12, plus interested adults. Please circulate these minutes to youth, Sunday School teachers, Christian Ed committees, etc.)
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