Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Southwestern Conference Youth Ministries Team Update

Last Sunday, I was asked to report on the activities of the Southwestern Conference Youth Ministries Team at Conference Assembly. As I prepared the report, I was very proud to see what the team has accomplished together since September of 2011. It was great to see how the various churches and ministries in our conference are keenly interested in the lives of youth. I reproduced the report to share with team members who weren't at Conference Assembly, and also as a "Conference Youth 101" to point people towards when they inquire about our work. I can't wait to see what the team does in for the 12/13 school year!

Our vision is that "Every ELCA congregation in the Southwestern Conference will collaborate together to benefit our youth, sharing knowledge and resources, using best practices."

Task One: Organize Conference Youth Planning Team, composed of youth & adults, meeting regularly for leadership development, learning, goal setting, and event planning.
We are blessed to have a great team meeting monthly at First Lutheran on Saturdays from 9am-11am: Ian Eastman (First Lutheran), Tara Eastman (First Lutheran), Mike Felsman (Tri-Church), Jeannine Gambrel (Gloria Dei), Sue Kilmartin (Bethel), Judy Lind (Immanuel), Ann McKillip (St. Tim's), Jennifer Spacht (Bethel), & Jason Wood (St. Tim's). The team is open to youth in grades 9—12 and adults interested in the faith formation of youth. Upcoming dates for the rest of 2012 are: 5/5, 6/2, 8/4, 9/8, 10/6, 11/3, & 12/1.

Task Two: Set and annually review goals for cultivating vision and mission.
The team will revisit our goals in August 2012 and make adjustments.

Task Three: Plan and accomplish 3 youth events annually.
We completed three youth events over the school year. Each event is fun, includes discipleship/faith formation, and a service/justice component. We saw participation from youth and adult volunteers from Bethel (Jamestown), First Lutheran, Gloria Dei, Holy Trinity, Immanuel, St. Timothy, Tri-Church.

Santa’s Secret Shoppe saw youth helping children from low-income families shop and wrap presents for parents and other significant adults in their lives. We learned about poverty, the work of Joint Neighborhood Project, and how service and justice relate to the Gospel.

Youth from around the conference getting into the Christmas spirit at Santa's Secret Shoppe.

The Toilet Bowl included laser tag, skateboarding/BMX, and Human Foosball. We collected 155 paper products for First Things First/We Believe Recovery Ministry. We heard Judd Hamilton’s testimony about how God has freed him from drug addiction.

At the Toilet Bowl, youth enjoyed laser tag--

--other recreational options like human foosball--

--and closed the event with youth-led worship.

Pastor on the Plank was a water-themed event. Youth enjoyed a pool party, heard from a humanitarian aid worker about how water access is related to economic, gender, and justice issues, and raised approximately $478 (pledges still coming in) to build a clean water well in Africa. Pastor Adam Miller-Stubbendick of Bethel was this year’s winner with 175 votes—but Pastors Allie, Dan & Jordan surprised the youth with bonus plank walks!

Pastor Adam, our top vote-getter, takes a flying leap into the JCC Pool.

Other pastors got in on the action! It was great to have pastors supporting youth in their goal!

Task Four: Consult and train congregation in carrying out vision and mission.
The Conference Youth Ministries Team is now offering Full Circle. The purpose of this training is to help ALL adults surround young people with intentional, faith-nurturing relationships. Young people need “Triple A” adults in their lives who are Authentic, Available and Affirming!

We are preparing youth and chaperones attending the National Youth Gathering to get the most out of the experience.

Task Five: Communicate progress and advocate on behalf of youth work throughout conference.
The blog younglutherans.blogspot.com is the best place to keep up with events, training, resources, and best practices in youth ministry. Updated 3 times every week.

For more information about Southwestern Conference Youth Ministries, please contact:
Ian F. Eastman, M.A.
Southwest Conference Youth Coordinator
Phone: (716) 720-8584

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